By: Stan Jordan
This is an old picture of the West Elevator in Antwerp, about 1952 or 53. You can see they were just starting to build those big silos. They were made of cement so they had to pour 24 hours a day, 3 shifts a day. A lot of farmers helped on the project.
You can see at that time, and for years, it was called The Antwerp Equity Exchange Co. A few years ago, it merged with Mercer Landmark Co. You can see ther has been a lot of renovations there over the years and their business has grown tremendously.
Now, you look on up Railroad Street and that little building you see finally became the feed mill, but around the late 1920’s and 1930 it was the city electric plant. The houses on the left were all torn down and those two big tanks were erected there.
Yes, Antwerp has progressed.
See ya!