By: Sydney Reineck, Paulding FFA Reporter
The Paulding FFA chapter had seven members compete in sub-district public speaking at Delphos on February 13th. Students in the creed speaking contest had to memorize the FFA Creed by E.M Tiffany and answer questions about the creed. Paige Jones competed in beginning creed speaking placing 7th and Mallory Taylor competed in advanced creed speaking placing 2nd.
The next category is prepared speaking. Students had to write a speech about an agriculture topic and say their memorized speech to the judge and answer questions about their topic. Sydney Reineck competed in beginning public speaking placing 1st, Kalyn Stahley and Shannon Hale competed in advanced public speaking with Kalyn placing 1st and Shannon placing 2nd. The final category is extemporaneous speaking where students draw a topic and they have 30 minutes to write a speech about that topic and present it to the judges. Jen Stahl and Courtney Luderman competed in extemporaneous speaking with Jen placing 1st and Courtney placing 2nd. We had four members advance to the district contest.
On February 20th, Sydney Reineck, Kalyn Strahley, Jen Stahl and Mallory Talyor competed in district public speaking at Crestview. Sydney placed 1st with her speech about dairy farms, Kalyn placed 3rd with her speech about windmills, Jen placed 8th with her extemporaneous speech, and Mallory placed 6th with the creed. Sydney Reineck will compete at State on March 2nd in Marysville. The chapter is extremely proud of all the members who competed and want to wish Sydney Reineck best of luck at State!