On Wednesday, March 20th, Antwerp Local School held its annual Hoops for Heart event. Students collected a new record of $6,433 for the American Heart Association. Antwerp’s total donations from Hoops for Heart over the years is now $84,508.82. Leading the way in student donations were seventh grader Caleb Laker with a record junior high amount of $700 and Chelsea Johanns with a record high school amount of $680.
The 3-point JH winner was Aewyn McMichael and 3-point HS winner was Jagger Landers. Free throw winners were the following: JH – Eli Reinhart and HS – Jake Eaken.
3 on 3 JH winners were Isaac Reeb, Landon Brewer and Eli Reinhart. 3 on 3 HS Winners were Luke Krouse, Jagger Landers, and Nathan Dunstan.