This week Kiwanis member Mikayla Pieper introduced building owner and Paulding’s Democratic Party chairman, Brandon Wobler. Originally from Paulding Wobler moved to Iowa on a football scholarship and eventually moved back to Paulding where he is now married with a family he’s happy to raise in Paulding. Wobler has been very involved in the community aside from just the Democratic Party.
“I’m not a democrat you may see portrayed in the media, I’m a democrat because of my views towards labor,” says Wobler. Working as a steel worker at BF Goodrich his views on labor helps mold his political views when it comes down to picking a party. Wobler briefly explained the two very common types of economics; trickle-down economics and infusion economics. “I think the two types of economics blended together would be ideal, and could really work,” says Wobler.
Brandon also owns a building in downtown Paulding. Some know it as the old bank building, others remember it as the old health department or Rip it Fit gym. Wobler has done some work to the building but says the bones of the building are structurally sound. “My wife’s dream is a coffee shop, which there seems to be a great interest in,” says Wobler. To test out the coffee shop idea Brandon will be opening his building from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of May. This pop-up shop will have coffee for a free will donation and will offer wifi for a fun and caffeinated work space. This is a great first step in testing the waters for a full time coffee shop in downtown Paulding. Go and support his pop-up in the month of May and get a great cup of coffee. Kiwanis thanks Brandon for his downtown revitalization efforts and willingness to be involved in the community. Kiwanis will meet next Thursday over lunch.