First United Methodist Church Invites Children to Power Up: Raise Your Game Vacation Bible School; A week for kids to get super-stoked to live FULLY ALIVE in the confidence that comes from trusting God.
A summer kids’ event called Power Up: Raise Your Game VBS will be hosted at First United Methodist Church, 113 W Central Avenue from Monday, June 17 to Thursday, June 20 with special activities and a singing performance on Sunday, June 23rd. At Power Up, kids discover that they Raise Their Game for life with Jesus! Connecting with kids through a culturally relevant video game theme, kids learn that God loves them, wants a relationship with them, and He gives them power to live for Him!
Memory Verse:
God’s power has given us everything we need to lead a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3a
Kids participate in memorable Bible connected science activities, sing catchy songs, devour yummy treats, and experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures that remind them of God’s promises. The Power Up VBS week promises to be a fun experience that everyone will enjoy. Each day begins and concludes with the skits, singing and worship that will energize and connect kids with God. Family members and friends are encouraged to join in daily for this special worship time from 11:30-11:50 each day.
First United Methodist Power Up is for kids from 4 years old to entering 5th Grade and will run from 9am to 11:50am each day. Preschool students will be released to their parents in Krout at 11:45 and can join worship in the sanctuary with parents if they wish. A link to online registration is available on the First Church website https://www.vanwertfirst.net/vbs/. Parents can also register by stopping in at First United Methodist Church or by calling the church office at 419-238-0631.