Paulding, OH: Kiwanis member Matt Reineck introduced Megan Sierra, the Executive Director of the PC Workshop. Sierra has been in the position for three years. The PC Workshop is a place for people with disabilities to work but also offer transition services, vocational habilitation, and adult day services. For many years PC Workshop only offered a select few jobs but has now expanded and asks participants what job they want. “We started asking, what do you want?” says Sierra. If they want to work outside, they may be able to work in landscaping, if they want to babysit PC Workshop tries to make connections for them to do what interests them. Even field trips have become purposeful and are focused on offering experiences.
PC Workshop used to only serve adult aged people but now include kids ages 14 and up. Participants learn about budgeting and other life skills that will help them at any age. Sierra ended her presentation by saying, “PC Workshop is working to make life better, fun, and fulfilling for those with disabilities.” Kiwanis thanks Megan for her hard work and dedication to her job and her love for those she works with. Kiwanis members will meet next week on Thursday over lunch.