Ray Friend is the 2019 Antwerp Chamber of Commerce Day in the Park Gem of the Year. His nomination came from many of his community peers as they have observed his loyalty and dedication to the Village of Antwerp over the years. Ray was born and raised in Antwerp. He graduated high school in 1962 and right away he knew he wanted to be on the fire department and in 1966 he began his lifelong journey of serving his town and its people. Ray dedicated 53 years of service to our community as a member of the Antwerp Fire Department, spending the last 32 years as fire chief.
He also owns and operates with his family, Friend Flooring, located right on North Main St. He has been a successful asset to the business community of Antwerp for 41 years.
Ray has been instrumental in the training of the Antwerp Fire Department volunteers and searching and securing funding for AFD. While on the fire department, he tackled his first fire – a toaster, as well as the tragic and devastating blow to the village of Antwerp with Squad 41 … to the fire of River Street Market.
Ray knows what it has meant to sacrifice – countless hours and nights missed with family and lost sleep … to protect the people from fire loss. His dedication to Antwerp and the fire dept is commendable and Gem-worthy.
Other 2019 Nominees:
Laurel Hopkins:
Keeps the town beautiful. Good smile!
Laurel has been active in many civic activities especially associated with the ACDC. The ACDC has donated many thousands of dollars to the community over the years. Laurel has been the ACDC secretary since the inception 12 years ago. The latest ACDC activities have been to build a dock to be installed on the US 24 Carr Lake SW of Antwerp and many improvements at the Veterans Park Riverside canoe launch. Laurel of course was the chair to purchase the flower pots by the ACDC in our downtown and has planted them and watered them for many years. Laurel is a former elementary Antwerp school teacher and has been active in her church, along with always being mindful of the needs of the community and individuals in Antwerp.
Look how beautiful downtown looks with flower pots plants takes time to beautiful town – makes it nice. Spring – summer – fall – Christmas. . She does it all – good job, Laurel.
Bob Winslow:
I would like to nominate Bob Winslow for his many years of volunteering for the Antwerp Ball Association through coaching, umpiring and being an active board member. He has coached many generations of kids in the community. Plus, he has donated time and money for different projects that have been completed at the ballfields. He has umpired several games to help the ball association save money to invest in other projects. Youth umpires have received training from so they could have a summer job to earn some cash. He has served on the ball association for several years helping to bring the new restrooms facility to the complex and helped with the new drainage system for these-wee field. I would like to see him receive this this year since he was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer earlier this year.
Mark Greenwood:
* Antwerp boy scout leader for 21 years
* Antwerp Rotary member for 10 years
* Antwerp business owner of New American Reel for 11 years
* Antwerp Park board member for 6 years
* Initiated & completed removing ash trees in park & related new trees
* Hosted 2 foreign exchange students in 2006 & 2008 and actively participated in other students experience in the states.
* Loves his community
Rex Lichty (posthumously):
He contributed back to the community several ways while he was alive. He did so quietly so as to not draw attention to himself. One way he gave was to totally pay off the loan taken out by the Ball Association to buy the ball fields on Woodcox.
Neil Ramsier:
Neil and his family have been a pillar in this community for a very long time. His outreach in the community varies from helping young kids with farm jobs by baling hay to educating kids of all ages through substitute teaching. Not one person has ever uttered a negative word about him and everyone has one or several funny stories and great memories from time spent with him. I’m honored to call him a friend. Neil deserves this.
Girls Softball Team:
They put Antwerp on the map. Brought community together. Put them on a float in the parade. If not the whole team then Carlie Hanes.