Mapha Lamb was born on August 21, 1914 at home in Latty, Ohio on Twp. Rd. 95, 3 miles from the town of Latty, Ohio.
Her parents were Russell Lamb and Minnie Leslie (of Briceton, Ohio). She also had two sisters: Phyllis (Lamb) Hanselman, and Harriet (Lamb) Strahley.
Mapha attended Briceton Elementary School the 1st thru the 8th grades. She had to walk to school each day (3 miles) and thereafter attended Latty High School graduating in the Class of 1932 with 14 classmates.
Mapha’s father was a farmer and she helped care for the livestock and worked in the fields caring for the sugar beets and gardening. Mapha also had a talent for grooming women’s hair.
After graduating from High School, Mapha and her sister, Phyllis traveled to the Western states and a driver named Joe Erhman were gone for 3 months sight seeing. They each had a budget of $150.00.
Mapha played basketball on a traveling basketball team from the Latty area. She played as a guard. At that time she had met and married Raymond Schaadt of Cecil, Ohio on November 30, 1939. It seems that he was a basketball fan and they met on the “courthouse square” in Paulding. She dropped out of the basketball team about July of 1940.
Raymond Schaadt was an established farmer and they farmed 180 acres which had been in the Schaadt family since 1872. Mapha became Raymond’s “right-hand” person, helping him farm and raise livestock in Emerald Township in Paulding County, where she lives today.
They had four girls — Beverly, born in 1940; Marjorie, born in 1942; Barbara, born in 1944; and Marilyn born in 1946. All were born at home, except Marilyn who was born at the Old Paulding Hospital.
Mapha’s husband, Raymond, died August 21, 1976 and is buried at St. Mary’s Cemetery at Junction, Ohio. They had attended the St. Mary’s Catholic Church at Junction, Ohio.
After his death, Mapha continued farming for a few years and then her son-in-law, Robert Kunesh became the farm Mgr. with her help. She retired from farming in 2012.
Mapha is living in the family home with home care by loving family and friends. She celebrated her 105th birthday at the Paulding Senior Center.
Submitted by:
Caroline Longardner