By: Patrick Troyer, Paulding SWCD
Are you unsure of the rules and regulations regarding nutrient application in Ohio? Do you want to know what cost share programs and resources are available to assist you? Join us at the Black Swamp Nature Center on November 19th at 11:00 a.m. for our next Lunch & Learn! Oh did we mention there is a FREE LUNCH?
The focus of the third installment of the Lunch & Learn Series will be on being in the know when it comes to the rules and regulations regarding application of commercial fertilizer or livestock manure. Our speaker for this portion will be Jason Tyrell, Agriculture Pollution Abatement Manager, with the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Jason will speak on updates to rules regarding Agriculture Pollution Abatement Program (APAP) rules, how you can apply nutrients in accordance with the rules, resources available, and answer any questions that you may have regarding the APAP rules.
Following the APAP session, Paulding SWCD staff will provide updates to attendees regarding current cost share programs that are available to producers that aim to improve water quality in Paulding County. A catered BBQ lunch will then be served for all attendees free of charge. To ensure a proper count for lunch, registration is available online on our website or by calling the office at 419-399-4771 by Friday, November 15th at 4:00 p.m.
At 1:30 p.m, there will be a Landowner Meeting for anyone living near Sixmile Creek, Flatrock Creek, Wildcat Creek, and Little Flatrock Creek to gather input for desired water quality projects. The goal of this meeting will be to inform you of current planning efforts to address nonpoint source pollution (sediments, nutrients, and associated runoff), and to solicit your input as to areas in these watersheds that are in need of projects to reduce nonpoint source pollutants and improve water quality.
Your local knowledge will be instrumental in helping us develop a watershed plan, which, once approved, will make specific nonpoint source reduction projects in this area eligible for state and federal funding. If you live or farm in this watershed, please consider attending this meeting!
Feel free to attend the Lunch & Learn Meeting at 11am and the Watershed Landowner meeting at 1:30 p.m. on November 19th!