Antwerp juniors Siera Octaviano, Morgan Boesch, Gage Partin, and sophomore Kate Farr, members of The Archer yearbook staff, traveled to Washington DC along with adviser Amy Sorrell from November 19-23. The group attended the National Scholastic Press Association convention where they participated in sessions on writing, leadership, photography, design and student First Amendment rights. The group also visited national monuments, the White House, Supreme Court, Library of Congress, the Newseum and attended a production of “A Christmas Carol” at Ford’s Theatre. While at the Newseum, the group met Mary Beth Tinker of the 1969 Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines which established that students have First Amendment rights. Sorrell was the 2007 recipient of the Mary Beth Tinker award.
The students sell candy bars and t-shirts in order to raise money to attend national conventions.