Small Business Saturday was created for towns the likes of Paulding County. This past weekend amidst the hullabaloo of the epic OSU vs. Michigan football game, people were out and about doing some local shopping for the holidays. Antwerp Chamber sponsored the annual Shop Small day by American Express with many things to do in the local shops of the village. The sidewalks were teeming with people as they went from store to store or were stopped by the table in front of Petals & Vines to make a s’more. There were two drawings of the day: a Receipt drawing and a Scavenger Hunt. The winners of the Scavenger hunt (pictured above) was Nash Zartman and his mom, Leslie. There earned $100 in Chamber bucks for their efforts in completing the Hunt.
Other winners from the morning include: 3rd place Scavenger Hunt winner – Tomi Meyer, $25 in Chamber bucks; Receipt Drawing – Trent Clemens, $25 Chamber bucks; $20+ Receipt Drawing – Laura Johnson, $100 Chamber bucks; 2nd place Scavenger Hunt – Laura Johnson, $50 Chamber bucks.
Small towns needs support and loyalty all throughout the year — not just Shop Small Saturday! Great job Antwerp! And thank you to the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce volunteers who organized the Scavenger Hunt, collected special ads from the participating businesses, and to the many residents who contributed in any way to the success of this annual event.