In the proofreading and copy editing process of any publication, many actions take place to get ready for “going to press”. Grammar checking, spell checking, fact checking and content approval are the four main components that we focus on when collecting articles and press releases for publication in West Bend News. We do our best to publish a good clean newspaper that projects “Good News for Good Communities”. This is our motto and a moral compass in which we live our professional and personal lives.
Now, does this mean that we always get all the mistakes, all the wrong information corrected? No, we are human with flaws, full of distractions and busy minds.
In this last week’s publication, it has been brought to our attention that some swear words and less-than-upstanding content went through proofreading without being considered for clean content and was published. This has caused offense and hurt feelings among some of our readers.
This oversight was unacceptable and we want to take this time to offer our sincerest apologies to all for allowing this to happen. A newspaper is a public place for civilized conversation, not ‘table talk’. The language and content which was published last week was not appropriate for civilized conversation and we want to assure all of our readers that this does not reflect the views or values of West Bend News.
—WBN editors