Tickets are available for the Paulding County Bicentennial Opening Ceremony on Wednesday, Feb. 12. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine will help citizens formally launch the county’s 200th birthday at the event.
The Opening Ceremony is free and open to the public, but seats are limited. Tickets are now available at the Paulding County Commissioners’ Office in the courthouse in person or by phone at 419-399-8215.
The event to “Celebrate Paulding County” begins at 6 p.m. Feb. 12 at the Branch Christian Church, located at 109 N. Main St. on the square in Paulding. DeWine will be the featured speaker, along with other county leaders who plan to discuss the past, present and future of Paulding County. A drawing will be held for door prizes.
Following the ceremony, guests and the general public are invited to the courthouse where a large-scale gallery of past and present photographs will be on display and refreshments will be served. The doors will open at approximately 7 p.m.
2020 merchandise featuring the official Bicentennial 2020 logo will be available to purchase. The Bicentennial Committee also will unveil a special opportunity for Paulding County residents.
For those unable to attend in person, plans are in the works to broadcast the kickoff ceremony via Facebook Live on the official Bicentennial page at