On Thursday, March 13, 2020, Antwerp Elementary School hosted Family Literacy Night. The theme for the event was Camp Read-a-Lot, and students enjoyed various related activities, including a s’more station, literacy-related games and crafts, and a scavenger hunt. The gymnasium was set up so students could crawl into tents, sit in a canoe, or sit beside a tree in the darkness and “read under the stars.” All students in attendance received a free book and flashlight, and many students won additional prizes. Thirty students won a poster; Auston Fish, Hayden Grant, and Aaron Mylek each won a camping tent; and Mo Reyes won a camping-themed basket of items. Special thanks goes to Mrs. Pam Bailey, Antwerp’s Title I reading teacher and Mrs. Elyse Boyer, Antwerp’s Director of Curriculum & Technology Integration Innovation.