Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) recently took a first-place gold title in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s Spotlight on Excellence Awards for the “Best Individual Ad” category. The ad campaign featured four PPEC linemen during intimate moments with their families, revealing the message that they work safe so they can go home to their families every day.
The ads were run on billboards last year in Paulding and Putnam counties, as well as in the cooperative’s monthly magazines, Ohio Cooperative Living and Indiana Connection, and on social media. Other internal employees were also featured with their families.
Featured linemen included Paulding native Corbin Rhonehouse and his infant son, Luke; Paulding native Zak Kauser and his wife, Megan; Antwerp native Brandon Burelison and his family; and Columbus Grove native Andrew Hermiller and his family. The campaign was organized by PPEC’s Marketing and Economic Development Manager Erika Willitzer of Cecil, Ohio, and Communications Coordinator Samantha Kuhn of Defiance, Ohio.
“Safety is always our main priority here at Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative because we want each and every one of our employees to make it home safe to their families every day,” says CEO George Carter. “It’s a team effort. We are a family-oriented cooperative, and this campaign really hit home as a reminder why we all need to keep safety top of mind.”
In addition, PPEC’s linemen have signed pledges committing themselves to safe protocol and tailgates before each job, and they regularly attend safety meetings and trainings from PPEC’s Ohio and Indiana statewide organizations. During the Coronavirus pandemic, PPEC has prioritized safety by deploying a limited staff rotation in late March, with employees rotating between office and remote work. Social distancing protocols are in place, employee’s temperatures are recorded daily, and frequently touched surfaces are sanitized often. CEO George Carter’s wife, Debbie, even made masks for employees who wanted one.
Send PPEC your COVID-19 safety photos to be featured online!
PPEC wants to extend the campaign to the community posing the same question: What (or who) is YOUR reason why you’re being safe during COVID-19? Why are you wearing a mask, social distancing, or taking other virus protection measures? Send your photo to Samantha Kuhn at skuhn@ppec.coop to be featured online!
More information about the award
The Spotlight on Excellence Awards program recognizes a body of outstanding work in 16 categories produced by electric cooperative communication and marketing professionals from across the country. PPEC’s listing can be found under category 14 here.
NRECA represents more than 900 consumer-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives, public power districts, and public utility districts in the United States.
Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative is proud to serve more than 12,900 members in Paulding, Putnam, Defiance, Van Wert, and Allen counties in Ohio, and Adams and Allen counties in Indiana. Since 1935, our not-for-profit model has allowed us to provide affordable, reliable, and safe power to rural areas with pride.