Dr. Martin Miller, ALS superintendent, opened up the May 21st meeting announcing Antwerp’s beloved elementary teacher, Linda Mabis, is retiring after 33 years of service to the Antwerp School! She got to go out with a unique year!
Sara Schuette thanked the people who worked hard for graduation day including Travis Lichty, Kayla Bagley, and Diana Hammer.
The minutes from various meetings were approved.
The financial report was given by treasurer, Kristine Stuart:
Income: 820,420.28
expenses: $728,514.43
interest: $5088.71
The budget is under 1.4% of what was predicted in October. About $112,000 was cut from this year’s budget from the state. 2.9% was cut which could have been much worse. The PI plan will include putting on the renewal of a tax levy. It generates about $150,000 per year. The 23 year bond levy for the school will be coming off in another year or so as the school board paid ahead and took a year off the mortgage.
No Liaison report from Bob Herber.
The Vantage Board meeting May 7 on Zoom by Dennis Recker. He said Vantage did not have their funding cut like other schools. They also are getting a huge grant for adult education for the CARES Fund. Delphos City Schools are going to be joining Vantage. The awards ceremony will be tomorrow night on May 22.
HS Principal, Travis Lichty, stated the video was really good and that it will be played on Sunday, May 24th for the graduation. Summer School will be virtual and it will be the weeks of June 8 and June 15. The teachers received the first draft of the schedule for next year. The school is back to a 45 minute period because academic assist has been removed. All kids 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday (May 26-27) will need to turn in their school books, etc. if they did not get there items picked up last week. About 1/4 of the students took letter grades and the rest took pass/fail when they were given the option for High School. OHSAA said they are lifting some of the restrictions for athletics. The athletes will be given the rules through their coaches and ALS athletic director, Drew Altimus. Mr. Lichty thanked the teachers for making the fourth quarter successful, including the graduation.
Elementary Principal, Tracy Stokes, said that parents came in and picked up their school items – about 90% did. Several things still need to be returned on May 26. The teachers have done a great job for even helping the little kids, and thanks to the parents too!
Dr. Miller thanked people and said we have a lot of level-headed and problem-solving people at ALS. Sara Schaper is filling the grade 3 teacher opening. A new intervention specialist will be hired – Megan Burill. A summer custodial help will be hired.
Construction is underway now for playground improvements. The new fieldhouse doors will be installed. The roof over the auditeria is being installed now.
The Aquaponics center is still moving forward and they have been working with the architects each week. Tom Blake has decided to donate the Aquaponics Center equipment. He will pay for the training too.
Harold Gottke brought up the technology needs for the school. 240 laptops will need to be replaced because Google won’t be updating the OS in them. They are $322 each plus the Google license need to be paid. The total is $85,920. The teachers’ computers are being installed by STS. Gottke stated the elementary students did excellent with Zoom on the education.
Kayla Bagley received a new computer for video editing. She needed something much faster than she had before.
The solar panels still have not come in for the water heater on the roof.
The College Board has awarded a Chinese teacher from China to come to Antwerp School. This will help with learning language and culture. The teacher should arrive in August. This is grant funded and pays for half the salary. Antwerp will end up paying about $17,000.
Non-essential spending is frozen in affect immediately. Spending is being looked at very conservatively right now because the future is quite uncertain right now. The busses passed their inspections. Gen Youth donated $2000 grant for equipment for delivering food.
The next meeting will be June 30 at 5:00 p.m.