The following are the most recent police reports of the Antwerp Police Department.

On August 25th at 7:50 a.m., a motor vehicle accident was reported in the parking lot of West Bend Printing. An officer responded and a report was made.

On August 24th, a local business reported a man had entered a business and assaulted one of their customers, at one point hitting him in the head with a bottle. The case was investigated, the suspect was located and a report has been forwarded to the prosecutor.

On August 24th, police were contacted about an adult female who attempted suicide. Officer responded and contacted the rescue squad.

On August 21st, a vehicle was stopped near Antwerp school, the driver was sited for driving under suspension.

On August 19th, a resident found a glass pipe at Antwerp Park and thought it might be drug related so she brought to the Antwerp Police Department. The officer tested the residue and found it only contained tobacco.

On August 18th, while doing residential security checks, the officer found an unlocked door. The residence was secured and key holder contacted.

On August 15th while monitoring traffic, an officer stopped a vehicle in the 400 block of North Main St. The driver was sited for going 65 in a 35 mph zone.

On August 15th, a resident of North Garden Apartments reported one of the resident was playing very loud music and it was disturbing.

On August 13th, an officer assisted a deputy of Paulding County Sheriff Department in attempting to locate a former resident who had a warrant for his arrest. 

On August 10th, a bicycle was reported stolen from West River St. The bicycle was described as a black Diamond Back with a rusty chain.  Owner said it would be easy to locate because handle bars are on backwards.

On August 10th, while patrolling, an officer noticed a lot of smoke near Wentworth St. As he arrived he was met by the fire chief and firefighters who had been paged out to the scene. The fire was put out and the resident was sited for open burning. 

If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419-258-2627. They are always ready to serve the residents of the Village of Antwerp!