Mayor Ray DeLong struggled with cancer for a year and it took his life in August. DeLong knew that his time was coming, and, for the sake of the village, planned ahead for the inevitable. He planned with village council for his replacement. He worked and trained Jan Reeb to fill his term when he was gone. He trained her for months in the Mayor’s Court and also she has been to Columbus for additional training. “I have big shoes to fill,” stated Reeb, referring to DeLong’s work and dedication to his position in the village.
Reeb is not foreign to politics in Antwerp. She has sat on the council for 20 years. Before taking a seat on the village council, she worked as the Village Clerk Treasurer and took over from Esther Morrow.
Jan Reeb graduated from Antwerp High School in 1969 and became a licensed Beautician after working at BF Goodrich for a short time. From there she took over the Shadow Box from Rudie Reeb.
Reeb married John in 1971 and they had to two sons: Jason and Matthew. Jason passed away from a heart condition in 1995 and now Hoops for Heart takes place at Antwerp High School in his memory each year to raise funds for the American Heart Association. The Reeb’s also have two grandsons. Reeb has six sisters and two brothers.
On Monday night, September 21st, a new Council President was elected (not known at time of publication). Reeb takes over to complete DeLong’s term that expires December 31, 2021. The election will be in November of 2021.
Jan said that in her twenty years of being on the council there is a lot more business now and she would like to see even more as the Village of Antwerp continues to grow. “I would like to see young families, new houses and more industry,” stated Reeb concerning the future of Antwerp.
Jan Reeb said that one of her goals is to get young people involved in the town. From the village council to the Fire and EMS, there is a great need as the current crews are aging, yet the services are still needed everywhere.
Stan Jordan commented, “I think she’ll do a fine job,” when he found out that Jan was taking over the mayorship.
Jan Reeb will be working closer with the police now that she has Mayor’s Court. She appreciates the work that is being done now, “George and Victoria do so much for this town to keep us safe.”
Reeb said her hobbies include reading and grandkids. Her favorite author is Danielle Steele.
Reeb was prepared for the position and she was already filling the role with Ray DeLong. She said, “Ray was wonderful! I’ve never heard anyone talk bad about him. I have a lot to live up to!”
Congratulations Mayor Reeb on your new appointment!