Candidate Spotlight: Clint Vance for PC Commissioner

Republican Clint A. Vance, Cecil, OH is seeking office for Paulding County Commissioner.

What are the top three issues facing this elected office at this time? How do you plan to address them?

1) Windmill Development – I will continue conversations with residents, landowners, township trustees, and state officials on the future of these in our county. Current and proposed state law has made any new project nearly impossible but by promoting the positive impact these have had on our county, maybe we can make a breakthrough. The current wind farms have however helped the county budget tremendously with lessening the burden for the taxpayers.

2) Agricultural Expansion / Manure – We live in a time where the average American is at least three generations removed from the farm. Trying to explain the methods, techniques, practices and ways we are able to do things today to the average Joe is difficult. HOWEVER, that does not give us a free pass to do whatever we want as we are just stewards, for a short time, of the land God has given us. I understand my opinion on this topic will be bias because I am a farmer, but we still must respect our neighbors and follow the laws on the books even if that means explaining beforehand what we are doing.

3) Planning for the Future / Infrastructure – I believe Paulding County has enormous potential for growth throughout the entire county! We have the open, flat land that not many areas of the state has. With that said though, we must start strategically planning right now for what we would like to see Paulding County look like in the next 200 years. WE MUST include infrastructure into that plan as that is what we are currently lacking for any big project. I plan to work with and support the Paulding County Economic Development office in getting this process going.

What are three opportunities that you see for this office?

1) An opportunity to work with national, state and local leaders to help shape our next 200 years and move Paulding County forward!

2) An opportunity to be a voice for the entire county.

3) An opportunity to give back to Paulding County; a county that has given so much to me in such a short time!

Objectives and/or goals if elected:

1) Be a pro-growth leader supporting and assisting Economic Development.

2) Work alongside the other elected officials to bring camaraderie to the Courthouse.

3) Be visible and active in the entire county and every community.

4) Bring a conservative approach to the county finances and budgeting.

5) Always plan and work towards the future.

I am seeking this office because:

I believe Paulding County is at a major crossroad for our future. As the windmills provided some financial relief; our towns and villages continue to crumble. Our youth continue to leave the county because of little to no opportunity. Our businesses continue to have a hard time finding quality employees. The important and much needed infrastructure continues to get put on hold. And the opioid epidemic continues to show up in our county courts.

Now I will be the first to admit that I do not have all the answers to the problems above however, I can promise you that I will put in the work and time in finding them. With new proposed state legislation; any new windmill project in the county could cease. This is where I believe the county needs a young, inspired and bold leader to look for other avenues of revenue and investment into the county. Two-thirds of the seniors I played football with do not live in the county anymore after just 10 years. We must give the youth some ownership in our communities in order to get them to stay and that could start by putting each student council president on the county’s vision board. The county’s infrastructure isn’t going to change overnight or even in four years. It will take major investments however, we must get that conversation started. We have an incredible amount of potential not to! The drug issue affects the entire state however we, as a county, must say we have had enough! We need to use the county resources to the fullest and put the drug dogs into our high schools routinely to send a message, NOT IN PAULDING COUNTY!

We need a leader who regularly attends township, village council and school board meetings; not just when its time for re-election because these folks are the experts in their area of the county. As my opponent is looking to expand on his 40+ years in government; I believe I can bring a breath of fresh air to the county and be the leader we need at such a crucial time in our county’s history.

I am uniquely qualified for this office because:

I am uniquely qualified for this office because of my experiences and personal connections I have made over a few short years. I believe I am the right person for the job and am willing to put my record up against anyone’s. I know there are some residents who think my youth disqualifies me however studying agriculture in Brazil, earning a Bachelor’s Degree at The Ohio State University while driving charter bus, being elected to the Paulding & Vantage School Boards, owning a business, farming full-time and with being very active in the community; I hope that can begin to change their minds. If you elect me on November 3rd, I promise that you will be proud of the passion and work ethic I will bring to the office.

If elected, what will you do to make our county better?

I will represent every individual throughout our 12 townships and 11 villages in Paulding County with honor. Understanding the importance of youth retention and workforce development, I will be a strong proponent of economic development throughout the entire county. I will commit all my resources to being active and visible in the county so that I am able to listen to and value everyone’s thoughts and opinions. In doing so, residents will see just how easily approachable I am. By giving the voice back to the people, it will only make Paulding County a better place to live, work & retire in.

How are you involved in the community?

President of Habitat for Humanity of Paulding County; Vice-President of the John Paulding Historical Society; Vice-President of CoRP (Community Revitalizing Paulding); Sustaining Contributor of the Paulding County Area Foundation; Emmanuel Baptist Church member since 2009; Ohio Farm Bureau member; VFW Post 587 member; Oakwood Arbor/Gleaner member; Paulding County Republican Party associate member; Volunteer for Food Bank distributions

My background:

Paulding High School Class of 2009; Ohio State University, BA Agriculture 2013; Ohio State Charter Bus Driver; Paulding Exempted Village Schools Board Member 2014-2017; Vantage Career Center Board Member 2016 & 2017; Full-time Grain Farmer (CDL License); Substitute School Bus Driver