The Antwerp Rotary had a meeting on Thursday, October 15 according the regular scheduled programming. After the dinner and formalities, President Tim Derck asked Bryce Steiner of the West Bend News to elaborate concerning the article of the Biden Campaign in Toledo and not being able to attend as a member of the press.
Shawn Dooley introduced George Clemens as the guest speaker of the meeting for October 15. George Clemens, Antwerp Police Chief, brought to the Rotarians’ attention the request for donations for the new speed limit sign to help monitor traffic, and keep people safe.
George investigated the village obtaining their own Speed Trailer Monitor and would like to obtain one without using any tax dollars. He is asking for funds from businesses, organizations and individuals who would like to make their community safer.
The plan for the trailer would be to use it in various locations around to find out where the need is greatest for safety of the community. There are several times the trailer could be utilized during events such as Cross Country school meets, Day in the Park, and Village maintenance issues, and everyday needs.
“I have done the research and found that this trailer does reduce speed and without the driver being given citations,” stated Clemens.
The trailer requires no electricity connected as it is powered by solar. It can be charged from an outlet if needed.
If you would like to contribute to this worthy cause, please contact Chief Clemens at 419-258-2627.