Waylon displays his servant’s heart daily as he quietly does the right thing in all situations. When I am teaching, he is paying attention and raising his hand to contribute. When it is time to do independent work, he is quietly working, and if a peer needs help, he quietly helps them out.
At recess, he is a great athlete and a good sport, always thinking of his friends first, and competition second. I know I can always depend on Waylon if I need any assistance. I simply ask and he immediately follows through.
He is a valued member of my classroom, and we are blessed to have him as a student at Divine Mercy.

Lucy Conley always serves with a heart like Jesus. She speaks kindly to her classmates and always includes others. During class, she doesn’t complain about assignments or who she is partnered up with. Lucy never turns anyone away who wants to play with her or be in her group, even when I know she just wants some peace and quiet or to work alone. Lucy genuinely cares about others and treats everyone with respect. She is a wonderful example for our entire school.