During the month of February, Miss Miller’s first grade class at Payne Elementary participated in a Valentine Exchange and received Valentines from schools all over the United States.
There were about 650 teachers that participated in the project and we were put into a group with 24 other classrooms across the country. We made our valentines at the end of January and included a letter to go along with it telling them about our first grade at Payne Elementary, some fun facts about Ohio and mailed them.
The students were excited to look in our mailbox each day to see how many we received. We would open them up and read all about them and admire their valentine. We would then hang them in the hallway marking which state they had come from. We have received 20 so far.
We have really enjoyed this project, learning about other classrooms in our country and have learned about kindness and that sending a heart or letter in the mail can really make someone’s day.