94th Paulding FFA Banquet: Making our Mark, Leaving our Legacy 

Paulding FFA 2021-2022 Officers which are as follows: President Paige Jones, Vice President Kyle Mobley, Secretary Sydney Trahin, Treasurer Mason Schlatter, Assistant Treasurer Lathan Schneider, Reporter Carter Manz, Assistant Reporter Jaylyn McCloud, Sentinel Ally Jo Merriman, and Parliamentarian Jamy Hunt, Student Advisor Tyler Schlatter. 

By: Carter Manz, Paulding FFA Reporter

The Paulding FFA Chapter recently held its 94th Annual FFA Banquet on April 10th, 2021. The theme for this year’s event was, “Making our Mark, Leaving our Legacy”.This event was held to recognize the Paulding FFA members, community members, and advisors for their great accomplishments throughout the past year. 

The banquet started with awarding members their Greenhand and Chapter degrees along with recognizing our 3rd and 4th-year members. Then students were recognized for Career Development Events awards and accomplishments this year. Our chapter also received various community members through the presentation of Blue and Gold awards as well as Honorary membership into the chapter. President Sydney Reineck gave her retiring address reminding us all to live in the moment. The banquet ended with the announcement of the Paulding FFA 2021-2022 Officers which are as follows: President Paige Jones, Vice President Kyle Mobley, Secretary Sydney Trahin, Treasurer Mason Schlatter, Assistant Treasurer Lathan Schneider, Reporter Carter Manz, Assiantaint Reporter Jaylyn McCloud, Sentinel Ally Jo Merriman, and Parliamentarian Jamy Hunt, Student Advisor Tyler Schlatter. The Paulding FFA would like to thank Rockford Catering and the Paulding High School Freshmen Class for serving the meal. It was a wonderful night and we look forward to what next year will bring.