After a year of uncertainty, the Paulding County Fair had an outstanding week and livestock sale. Junior Fair advisor, Tony Miller was thrilled with the community participation. “It was heartwarming to see the support from local businesses investing in Paulding County youth,” said Miller. Senior Fair Board President, Dan Howell and the Board were pleased with the support of the community during fair week and Livestock Sale. Howell commented “It makes me proud to be a part of a community who is investing in the future of our youth.”
The Paulding County Jr. Fair Livestock Sale closed with record totals and attendance. Businesses and community members took part in supporting our 4H and FFA exhibitors by participating at the auction. This year’s sale totaled approximately $297,000, exceeding a prior record of $232,000. The youth of our county are appreciative of the support you provide year after year. Livestock exhibitors can expect to see their auction checks in the mail in the coming weeks.
Many hours go into planning and preparing for the week of fair. The Junior and Senior Fair Boards are already hard at work on the 2022 Paulding County Fair. Let’s look forward to next year’s Paulding County Fair held June 11th through June 18th.