Frank Willard Dunham was not a veteran, but a solid businessman who became very popular among the citizens of Paulding County.
His story starts as Frank was born January 28, 1856 in Lucas, Richland County, Ohio. The son of James S. and Francis Cornelia (Davis) Dunham. His father, James was born around 1827 in Delaware County, Ohio. He became a merchant tailor.
War broke out between the states, or Civil War, so on August 5, 1862, James enlisted in Company B. 120th Ohio Volunteer Infantry as a musician. On March 30, 1863, in St. Louis, Missouri, James died of disease. He was buried in a National Cemetery in St. Louis.
The thought of Frank living without a father must have been heartbreaking, but Frank, at the age of six years old, had to be strong and move on. Barely a year later, when Frank was 8, his mother Francis died. Frank wanted to stay on the farm, but without the tender influence of a father and a mother’s care, Frank and a sister named Minnie and a brother named James A., had to be wards of the county.
By 1870, all three were living in Xenia, Greene County, Ohio., in a home for parentless children. By 1880 Frank had met a girl by the name of, Jennie M. Dunfee. She was born November 20, 1862, the daughter of James H. and Elizabeth (Moores) Dunfee.
Frank and Jennie were married July 5, 1880, in Allen County, Indiana. In this marriage five children were born, Charles Henry 1883, Albert E. 1886, Alfred H. 1889, Ruth Alice 1892, and Frank Ellsworth 1897. Frank enjoyed working at Old’s Wheel Works, which employed over 400 men. His hard work led him from machine hand to the position of supervisor of eighteen different departments. Frank remained with the company fourteen years before moving to Cecil, Ohio. Frank wanted to start up his own saw mill, hub and spoke, and tile manufacturing. Frank also was running a manufacturing plant at Auburn, Indiana.
Frank was known as a busy man, but treated the workers with kindness and congenial nature. Ever since the family moved to Paulding County, the public had drawn freely upon his time as its servant in various capacities. He became a member of village council, member of school board, treasurer of school board, treasurer of the corporation, and on November 15, 1900, Frank was elected as Paulding County Treasurer to serve three years.
The family were members of the Presbyterian Church, and Frank was a member of K. of P. Lodge, number 101, at Ft. Wayne, Indiana. By 1910, the Dunham family was living in Paulding on Main Street. Frank was still involved in lumber milling and wood products. Frank also operated a pool room on the south side of the square. His son, Charles married, and was living on Williams Street in Paulding as a merchant. Albert a mail clerk for the railroad. Alfred was a telegraph operator for the railroad. Ruth a treasurer for a company. And little Frank was still a boy at home. Within the decade Frank watched Jennie pass away, October 5, 1914, Ruth passed away in 1917, Appendectomy surgery failed, and she died in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Albert in 1918, struck by a train and killed. Frank E. joined the military, served on the border and served in France in World War 1.
Frank moved to Arkansas and passed away April 5, 1935 from pneumonia. He brought back and buried beside Jennie in Lindenwood Cemetery, Allen County, Ft. Wayne, Indiana.