Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative’s employees and facilities underwent a 3-day comprehensive safety inspection through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. The Rural Electric Safety Achievement Program (RESAP) was administered by Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, the co-op’s statewide organization. This inspection is performed every three years.
Overall, the cooperative and its employees earned high marks, receiving the highest score possible in 5 of the 17 categories (improved from 1 in 2018). PPEC’s employees scored very high in the one-on-one interviews, demonstrating knowledge and confidence of what to do in a variety of emergencies.
Members of the public driving by a PPEC member’s home in Ottawa may have noticed a large group of employees on site. Because the inspection crew and managers observing wanted real-life scenarios, many inspections were done in the field for accurate feedback. Site inspections were also performed in Convoy, Columbus Grove, and other locations.
After analyzing the inspection results, all areas suggested for improvement will be identified and a written implementation plan will be developed to ensure PPEC’s safety manual is as robust as it can be. PPEC’s safety committee will also address suggestions for improvement.
“Safety is something we can — and always should —strive to improve on,” said PPEC CEO George Carter. “Makings sure our employees go home safe to their families every day is our goal. Safety is embedded into our culture here at the co-op.”
To learn more about PPEC’s safety program and the co-op linemen’s “Commitment to Zero Electrical Contacts” pledge, visit PPEC’s YouTube channel (www.YouTube.com/c/PauldingPutnamElectricCoop) and view the “Safety” playlist. Tips and resources for how to safely exit a vehicle that’s made contact with electric lines are also available.