By: Mark Holtsberry

Dr. Aaron Fenton Burson
This story is about an Oakwood boy who made good of himself. Aaron was born in Oakwood, Ohio January 1.8, 1885. His parents were, Dr. Harrison S. and Sarah Elizabeth (Harmon) Burson. (As a side note, Harrison was a Civil War Veteran, serving with Company A. 21st Ohio Volunteer Infantry.)
Aaron, being the oldest son, was expected to achieve great things. Being that his father was a doctor, the bar was set high. Aaron had five other siblings, sisters Jessie R. and Georgia M., brothers Harrison S., Wilbur J. and John, who died at birth in 1897. In 1890, the family was living in Melrose, Ohio. His father, a practicing physician with four children, lived moderately. The stress for education was a must in the Burson household. In 1899, Harrison filed for his Civil War Pension. By 1900, the family had moved to Delaware, Ohio. Sad news was brought to the family, as on January 18, 1901, Dr. Harrison S. Burson dies. He was buried in Mt. Blanchard Cemetery, Mt. Blanchard, Hancock County, Ohio. Aaron stayed to his studies and graduated from Mt. Blanchard High School as his class Valedictorian.
In 1907, while going to College at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, he met and married Minnie lone Hornish. Minnie was born February 9, 1886 in Defiance, Ohio, the daughter of George and Amanda Maude (Haney) Hornish. The couple moved to Oakwood, Ohio, and live with her parents. Aaron continued his study of medicine at Eclectic Medical College in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he graduated in 1910. After graduation, Aaron began his medical career. Aaron became a partner with Dr. Ancel C. Sherrard. They had their office in the building on Main Street in Oakwood. This is where Bob’s Barber shop was.
In 1913, Aaron set up an office of his own on the northwest corner of what is now 15th and Cooper Streets. Aaron and Minnie celebrated the birth of their first child, a son, George Lowell, June 7, 1912. Sad news was brought again to the door steps of Aaron’s life. His mother, Sarah, passed away, May 21, 1915. She was buried with her husband, Harrison, in Mt. Blanchard, Ohio. Another son was born, Harrison Fenton, February 20, 1917. Aaron’s practice was interrupted, as the United States was drawn into a World War.
September 12, 1918, the age of 33, Aaron registered for the draft. Medium build and medium height, brown eyes, black hair. Serving with the Medical Corp, as a lst Lieutenant at Camp Greenleaf, Georgia. Aaron was honorably discharged, December 24, 1918. By 1920, the Burson family was still living on Main Street in Oakwood. A third son, Paul Eugene Burson, was born February 25, 1928. By 1930, Dr. Burson, enjoyed a wide and extensive practice and is favorably known. The family was still living on Main Street, in Oakwood. By 1940, Aaron along with Minnie and son Paul are still living in Oakwood on Main Street. As World War Two loomed, Aaron registered for the draft in 1942. His son’s, George and Harrison, served in World War Two. George with the U.S. Engineers and Harrison in the South Pacific.
August 8, 1944 at the intersection of State Route 637 and County Road 123 (Charloe Trail) Dr. Aaron Fenton Burson was killed in an automobile accident. The impact of the crash threw Aaron out of the car killing him instantly. At the time of his death, Aarovn was a member of the local 1.0.0.F. lodge, Masonic Order of Continental, Modern Woodman of America, American Legion, Paulding County Medical Society, and Methodist Church. Dr. Burson was buried in Riverside Cemetery, Defiance, Ohio. April 18, 1975, his wife, Minnie passed away and was buried beside Aaron.
Until Next Time!