“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” – Matt

Heading out the front door to go on a morning run helps me set the pace for the day. When Stateside, my wife and I enjoy running in the mornings on the sidewalks around town to enjoy seeing the different homes. We have loved running out on the country roads too, but have had too many not-so-good encounters with unleashed dogs.
We have lived overseas in a place known for their very large, powerful dog breed. The breed was made illegal in Florida and California after the pets killed their owners. These dogs are used for security. When going to a place of business once, I saw their dog lying in its shelter with a short length of chain. I began to slowly walk towards the business when the dog stood up, showing many feet of chain that were lying underneath it. I took off for my vehicle and got the door shut as the dog was jumping around outside my window. I decided to leave and started moving in reverse. The dog put his jaws around my entire front bumper of hard black plastic and held on. My vehicle had teeth holes on the bottom and top of the bumper, where it had been punctured to remember the event.
My most dangerous dog encounter overseas was probably when I was on a little motor scooter. I had gotten lost and started driving down a wrong driveway. Before I had started to turn around, two large dogs came hurling towards me. I spun the scooter around in the gravel and charged back for the main road. In a split-second I had to decide to slow way down to check for oncoming traffic, but that would have meant time for these large dogs to catch me. I decided in that quick moment to bolt it and escaped without being attacked by dogs, nor hit by a car driving by.

I think there is a reason why I have a pet dog that is the size of a rabbit and is less ferocious than one.
Something similar ever happen to you? Contact me and let me hear your story!
mattsmishaps@gmail.com Matt’s Mishaps, PO BOX 114, Grabill, IN 46741