By: Carter Manz
Paulding FFA Reporter

On September 30th, Five Paulding FFA officers attended the Ohio Legislative Leadership Conference in Columbus at the State House. The members started off their morning by playing a game that taught about the Ohio government as well as interacting and meeting FFA members from around the state of Ohio. The members heard from Jacob Zajkowski, the Ohio FFA State President where he shared his FFA story and his connection to the agriculture industry. Then Dorothy Pelenda, Director of Ohio Department of Agriculture spoke about her strong roots to Ohio agriculture and how excited she is to see our future FFA members join the workforce. Then finally Jay Hottinger, an Ohio Senator spoke about how every 1 in 8 careers in Ohio are agriculture related. The speakers talked about how you can be successful, and encouraged us to give it our all and continue to be wonderful FFA officers for our younger FFA members. The members also got the opportunity to tour the state house and learn more about Ohio’s government. The FFA officers learned a lot and look forward to attending the Ohio Legislative Leadership conference next year.