Ataya Kaser’s legacy lives on through support of Safe Haven Baby Boxes. A blessing of a memorial bench will occur at New Haven Fire Station located at 910 Hartzell Rd. in New Haven on October 13th at 7 PM EST. This location has been the site of two surrenders of infants, the dates of these surrenders are featured on the bench.
The Ataya Kaser Memorial Scholarship (AKMS) was established in 2019 after the death of 14 year old Safe Haven Baby Box supporter Ataya Kaser who died tragically in a car accident. Her passion for Safe Haven Baby Boxes lives on through advocacy of Safe Haven Laws education. Each year a scholarship is given to a student promoting Safe Haven Law education in their school as was Ataya’s mission. The AKMS gave $4000 to a Moody Bible Institute student this year.
Corie Walls, Ataya’s mother states, “Ataya always wanted to be a part of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, placing her memorial benches alongside the baby boxes is just one of the many ways we are honoring her.” Corie will be present at the blessing and speak, The blessing will also have the presence of New Haven mayor, Steve McMichael and nearby Woodburn mayor Joe Kelsey.
For any questions Monica Kelsey will be on sight at this blessing. For more information please contact us at shbb@safehavenbabyboxes.com