By: Paulding FFA Asst. Reporter, Jaylyn McCloud
During October 26-30, thousands of FFA chapters from across the nation including 12 Paulding FFA members, traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana for the 94th Annual National FFA Convention. Our members had a busy schedule full of educational tours that allowed them to learn more about agriculture and FFA.
On October 26th, members went and toured the J&M Manufacturing plant which is one of the largest producers of grain carts that is still family owned today! On October 27th, the chapter attended the opening session where Courtenay DeHoff was the keynote speaker. She delivered a very inspirational speech about her life challenges and how she was able to overcome those challenges and inspire others. Throughout the week our members toured the Indy Scream Park, Indianapolis Zoo and Beck’s Hybrids where they got to learn about these agricultural businesses while meeting other FFA members from around the nation.
In the evenings, members attended a concert with FFA member Alex Miller as opening act for Brett Young, went to the World’s Toughest Rodeo and had a blast at the Atomic DuckPin bowling. During Session 2, the Paulding FFA was recognized as a 3-Star National Chapter, a long-time goal for our chapter.
On the last day of the National Convention, the members and advisors attended the American Degree ceremony, where they watched 5 Paulding FFA members receive their American Degree. Members were Riley Noffsinger, Johnathan Reinhard, Jen Stahl, Jordyn Merriman, and Shannon Hale that received the highest degree possible in FFA.
The Paulding FFA Chapter is very proud of these five members and their accomplishments.