A project to improve safety at three U.S. 24 intersections, just east of the city of Defiance, was awarded funds from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP).
The project will:
• Construct an overpass on Independence Road over U.S. 24.
• At Jewell Road, remove the median preventing access to the opposite side of the highway. Traffic will be limited to right in – right out movements on the east side of U.S. 24, and will have access eliminated to westbound U.S. 24
• At Flory Road, remove the median preventing access to the opposite side of the highway. Traffic will be limited to right in – right out movements on the on the west side of U.S. 24, and will have access eliminated to eastbound U.S. 24
• Construct a connector road between Flory Road and Egler Road to ensure Egler Road is not cut off by a parked train.
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) District 1 will complete the design work, oversee construction of the Independence Road overpass, remove pavement in the median, and establish right in – right out access and at Jewell Road and Flory Road.
The Defiance County Engineer will construct cul-de-sacs on Jewell Road and Flory Road, and will be responsible for construction of the Egler-Flory connector road.
The estimated $4.5 million project is anticipated to be constructed in 2027.
Funding for the project began with the Defiance County Engineer, Warren Schlatter, P.E., P.S., who secured $2 million in safety funds through the County Engineers Association of Ohio (CEAO). The county has also committed to a 20% match towards the project.
ODOT secured an additional $2 million in safety funds through HSIP.
Governor DeWine has directed ODOT to be even more focused on safety. That’s why an additional $50 million from the motor fuel user fee is designated for safety projects annually, making Ohio’s safety program one of the largest in the nation.
“In the nearly 10 years since the U.S. 24 expansion between Fort Wayne and Toledo has been completed, traffic between Defiance and Napoleon has increased dramatically,” said District 1 Deputy Director Chris Hughes. “We are excited to see this important project move forward which will improve safety while maintaining adequate accessibility for local residents. The project would not be possible without the partnership of Defiance County and County Engineer Warren Schlatter,” said Hughes.
The project puts into action plans developed in 2021 as part of a feasibility study of the U.S. 24 corridor between the city of Defiance and the city of Napoleon. An independent project in Henry County will address the intersections at County Road 17D and Banner School Road.
That project is being developed by the ODOT District 2 office in Bowling Green and is proposing to construct an interchange at County Road 17D, and a connector road between Banner School Road and County Line Road to maintain access to U.S. 24.
The U.S. 24 feasibility study is available on the project website here: transportation.ohio.gov/Defiance24Independence
The next step is for Defiance County to formally vacate portions of U.S. 24 Jewell Road and Flory Road as necessary to modify their access to U.S. 24.