By: Bryce Steiner
The Antwerp Police responded to a phone call that led to the arrest of a resident of the Antwerp Manor. The facility located on Archer Drive in Antwerp, OH had recently brought in a male with a recent criminal record.
In summary the incident involved a suspect asking nurses for drugs, and when not able to obtain them in the Antwerp Manor, being told drug use would not be tolerated, he was able to acquire the illicit material in a quick trade in a restaurant according to the police report.
The incident, reported to police by Rachel Harpster, staff member, is cause for great concern for this community of most vulnerable people. The report continues that the suspect was seen by another resident smoking and dipping the cigarette in a white powder in a baggy between puffs, thought to be heroin. A staff member had found a cigarette in the room with “a white substance packed in it.” The substance was tested by police and found to be meth.
The police thanked the staff members for reporting this situation that could have ended poorly for the residents of the Manor.
The individual was brought in to the facility after he left the Pathway Center in Defiance and was considered homeless. According to court records he had been convicted of breaking and entering less than a month before being brought into the Antwerp Manor. He was on probation and not to be near drugs.
The question comes to mind: Does the Antwerp Manor have staff that is trained to handle rehabilitation, and do they have a plan in place to ensure the safety of the other residents? The facility administrator, Brian McLaughlin, was asked about their policy for background checks and people convicted of felonies. The response to the newspaper was, “The Antwerp Manor does not confirm, deny, or comment on any past, current, or future residents. Antwerp Manor prides itself on staying in compliance with all rules and regulations set forth by the State of Ohio and any other governing authorities. For the past 15 years, the management and staff of Antwerp Manor has been dedicated to delivering compassionate and loving care to the members of our community who need it the most.”
According to the report McLaughlin had interviewed the suspect over the phone and didn’t think “he had smoked anything.” Will the elderly male get the help he needs? As of this writing the suspect is sitting in CCNO, charged with a Probation Violation. McLaughlin had been asked if the individual would be returning to the Antwerp Facility. There was no answer to that question.
The Antwerp Police Department took immediate action when they received the call from the staff. The investigation took place on January 1, 2022. Final tests from BCI&I are awaiting results and the reports have been forwarded to the Paulding County Prosecutor.
Information in this article was obtained from the following sources: Antwerp Manor, Antwerp Police Department, and Defiance Municipal and Henry County courts.