Commissioner Mark Holtsberry, a resident of Jackson Township, has announced that he is seeking re-election as your Paulding County Commissioner in the May primary.
Seven and a half years ago, he became a person who did not say why, but a person who said why not. Holtsberry’s goal was, and always has been, to help improve the quality of life for over the 18,800 citizens of this county.
Every year the Commissiners’ office has invested money into the sheriff’s department to tackle the drug and crime issues. They also have invested money into Paulding County DARE program, prosecuting attorney’s office, to send the message, “Not in our county”. E.M.A. for current upgrades in the preparedness, health department, Soil and Water Conservation District. Soil and Water programs have received numerous grants for program start-ups to assist farmers, also education programs in the schools. The Commissioners’ office, as well as Holtsberry, has invested money into the parks board. They have really stepped up in providing a wonderful park system! The Commissioners’ office has been in the decision making on sewer grant applications. To assist in repair and replace old systems. They are also very much involved in Paulding County’s Land Bank, Cleaning up blight and run-down homes, rid communities of rodents and drug haven hangouts.
The Commissioners’ office invests in the economic development to pursue job training through the local schools and Vantage Vocational School. Invest in future growth, through job fairs, job retention, workshops. EZ agreements and tax abatements. As of now, numerous businesses in the county are currently hiring. The Commissioners’ office operates with the attitude: “The sky is the limit”.
The Commissioners’ office has invested into the children’s home, with landscaping, modern repairs outside and inside, new sign, planting trees. Investing into the county owned buildings and grounds to create pride among the citizens. The office continues to invest into our county court system. Holtsberry invest a lot of time into a lot of community service activities. Too numerous to mention, but he never says no when asked to serve at that level. He is honored to be asked to speak, help out when he can, providing words of comfort or motivate others.
Holtsberry states: “As a conservative Christian with strong conservative valves and beliefs, I have, and will continue to stand up for the needs of our senior citizens, our veterans, educational programs for our youth, programs and assistance for our low income residents. Doing this with the boards I serve on, lobbying for state and federal dollars, while representing our county.” He continues: “It has been a wonderful pleasure to serve all of you for the past seven and a half-years. Your continued support will be cherished. Thank you all and do bless you, our county and country!”