On Thursday, March 3 Tim Copsey, Paulding County Economic Development Director, opened the morning breakfast meeting with introductions to Pioneer Lines – railroad. Business leaders from all over the area were invited to attend and participate by expressing their needs that may extend beyond, or in place of, truck freight.
BRX Transportation purchased Pioneer in 2019 that was founded in 1986. This is the railroad that connects Woodburn, IN to Napoleon, OH, and the small towns inbetween. They own 15 railroads and over 600 miles of rails throughout various sections of the Midwest US. $12 million has been spent since 2021 on this line that travels through Paulding and Defiance counties and they expect to invest quite a bit more before the project is labeled commercial ready. There are 58.2 miles in this section.
One part of the project mentioned in the meeting would be to have a rail hub that would encompass Paulding County businesses as a local pick up site with rail extensions for dedicated business.
Pioneer expressed interested in hauling grain, plastics, steel and other raw materials.