The Northwest State Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session on Friday, February 25. As part of the meeting, the Board held its annual election for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair. Lisa McClure was elected to assume the duties of Chair, Scott Mull was elected to serve as Vice Chair, and Sandy Barber was elected to serve as Second Vice Chair. All officers will serve in these positions for the period of February 2022 through February 2023. College administration congratulated the officers and thanked them for serving in these capacities.
As part of the meeting, the Board approved a resolution to purchase property in the city of Van Wert for public purposes. The property, located at 520 E. Sycamore Street in Van Wert, has a purchase price of $495,000, and is pending appraisal. Northwest State is expected to purchase the property in order to launch a full-service campus for learners in Paulding and Van Wert counties. “Twenty-five percent of our six-county service area’s population resides in Paulding and Van Wert counties, yet we are currently only serving seven percent of those potential learners,” said NSCC President Dr. Todd Hernandez. “This campus will help us continue our mission, reducing an important barrier to education: access.”
In other Board action:
• Approved the employment of Rhonda Lazette as Faculty & Program Coordinator-Medical Assisting, Samantha Francis as Recruiter-Admissions, and Caitlin Barerra as Clinical Teaching Assistant.
• Approved the promotion of Kemp Stapleton to Director of Accounting & Auxiliary Services, and Jim Bellamy to Manager of Marketing & Communications.
• Approved a resolution to purchase property in the city of Van Wert for public purposes.
• Approved the 2021-2022 Revised Budget.
• Approved a resolution to appoint John Bridenbaugh as Delegate and Sandy Barber as Alternate from the Board of Trustees to serve on the governing board of the Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC).
• Approved a resolution to establish upcoming meeting dates and times (for the period April 2022 through February 2023).
• Approved increasing tuition for the 2022-2023 academic year by $5 per credit hour for in-state and out-of-state. New rates will be $187.33 for in-state, and $358.66 for out-of-state.
• Approved a $10 scholarship for all learners, to offset the $5 spring and $5 summer 2022 tuition increases as stated above.
• Approved the Presidential Evaluation Policy.
• Approved miscellaneous employment contracts
• Approved five resignations and one termination.