By: Jaylyn McCloud, Paulding FFA Assistant Reporter
FFA week was a very eventful and exciting week for the members of the Paulding FFA. The students participated in dress-up days which were picked by the members and other fun activities throughout the week. The Paulding FFA chapter also collected cans for crushing cans for cancer community service project. We will take the cans into scrap and then donate all the money profited to cancer research. Tuesday students participated in America Tuesday by wearing red, white and blue. There was an agriculture quiz that high school students could take and if they got all of the questions right then they received a cookie sponsored by Ag Credit. The purpose of this quiz was to help educate students about our number one industry in Paulding County, agriculture.
On Wednesday the members had the hosted annual staff appreciation lunch to show our appreciation for our teachers and staff. The officer team wore official dress and the members and staff all wore their new FFA shirts. We had a BBQ with grilled hamburgers and hotdogs with all sides to thank our staff for their support of our chapter!
Thursday wrapped up FFA week for the members sadly because the snow canceled our annual country Olympics on Friday but they are rescheduled for March 25th. The members wore flannels and hats for the theme. Each of the classes enjoyed a visit with the Ohio FFA State Officer Jared Dunn. He conducted fun and interactive workshops with the students. There was also a cornhole tournament on Thursday held in the ag shop. The winning team was Luke Beckman and Matthew Bail winning $50.
The Paulding FFA would like to thank Ag Credit for donating the cookies and the Paulding FFA as well as its members for their participation in this wonderful event celebrating FFA. We are looking forward to many more fun events throughout the year.