“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!”

 – Matt 

On the Beat is Better Than Giving Treats

If you drive through small-town Indiana, you quickly learn where police park their vehicles to patrol from.  The officers often park along the backs of parking lots where they see you long before you detect them.  Living in a community with buggies and farm equipment means that being in a hurry and driving faster than posted speed limits can be a deadly combination.  We all get behind schedule and try to make up time on the road and hope an officer is not on the beat at that moment.

Police officers are very underpaid in many countries in the world. It is assumed that bribes, seizing criminals’ possessions, etc. are just ways to offset their low salaries.

Shortly after moving overseas, I recall my young language school teacher telling about watching the previous night’s soccer game on their big screen TV.  He told me a police officer had brought it over the day before.  I asked him to explain.  He gave me a look that said, “You sure have not gotten around much.”  He explained.  He still lived at home and his dad was a banker.  It was normal for the police to keep the TVs, entertainment systems, etc. that were in the homes where drug raids happened.  The police would later give these items as “treats” to sweeten deals, like with his dad for a better mortgage rate or a car loan agreement.  It is a common practice there.

I see our officers in middle America on the beat at sports competitions, community events, our schools and churches.  The officers take their own kids to and from school and activities in the area too.  I’m thankful for small-town America where the officers are on the beat and not giving away treats.

Something similar ever happen to you?   Contact me and let me hear your story!    Matt’s Mishaps, PO BOX 114, Grabill, IN  46741