Meeting at Antwerp.
Mark Holtsberry spoke at the Antwerp School Board meeting concerning what he has done as part of the Paulding County Commissioners. He is running for Commissioner in this year’s May Primary.
The minutes were accepted as presented.
There was no state liaison report from Bob Herber. Dennis Recker gave the report about the new Vantage nursing program and the numbers are 60-70% higher than they were 10 years ago. They are discussing long term plans.
The financial statement:
Income: $740,409.36
Interest: $1813.29
Expenses: $1,009,964.21
The wind farm revenue has been received of nearly $40,000 and should be received twice per year. There has been about $240,000 new dollars this year.
Travis Lichty – principal’s report – Hoops for Heart will be Monday, right before the Senior Class trip to Tennessee. Summer School will have letters sent out soon. Spring Sports start Monday, March 28. Cheer team placed second at state. Hannah Molitor went to state this year. He stated there have been people who have helped behind the scenes to make the boys basketball team for state preparations. May 7 is Prom date. May 22 is graduation at 2 pm.
Kindergarten registration has already started. April 1st is the last deadline. PTO has been very good. There are 161 kids who earned the AR reward this nine weeks. They will have a root beer float part after the basketball sendoff.
Marty stated in the superintendent report that Kyle Zartman is being hired as the teacher of the innovation center Aquaponics center. There is an after-school program starting Monday for the young kids. Teachers will need to send a recommendation for the kids to get in this program. Building and grounds – many of the new features of the Aquaponics is coming in day by day. Three donations were received and one was for $40,000 as an anonymous donor. All of this should be ready by late August. The Master Gardeners also made a donation for seeds and fertilizer. The Sweetwater Chophouse donated artwork to the school that was made by a previous teacher – Mary Jane. The Range has not broken ground yet. There are still things to review and hopefully a decision can be made by August. A trail is looking to be built around the softball to the “Range” so kids do not have to walk on the road. Another sidewalk near the football field will also be constructed and this should be completed this summer and can be part of the fitness trail.
Harold Gotke gave a technology update with E-rate and should give the school a 60% discount. Many of the wifi devices should help with the speed that has degraded. This will include a fiber connect to the Range building. Harold is looking at a donation for a laser etcher. There are two new TV’s going into the Innovation Center.
The SRO is getting new ALICE training that will then comeback to train staff at the school.
Every three years a new emergency plan has to be submitted to the state and then has to be distributed certain staff members. Marty will be traveling to Napa, CA for a training seminar.
The school board voted for the consent items.