The Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) Board of Trustees has announced that long-time President and CEO George Carter plans to retire from the utility in January 2023.
“We (the board) knew this day was coming, and we have taken steps to address this transition,” said Board Chairman Steven McMichael. “We are very grateful for all Mr. Carter has done for the cooperative and its members.”
Mr. Carter has been the CEO of Paulding Putnam Electric since April of 2005. His retirement in early 2023 will mark the end of a nearly 35-year career in the electric utility industry.
“It has been my great honor to be the CEO of Paulding Putnam Electric” he stated. “To be only the 4th manager in the 86-year history of the cooperative and to have followed such great leaders as Floyd Furrow and Herb Monroe is an honor. I have been blessed with a great group of employees that have always gone above and beyond expectations.”
Chairman McMichael mirrored Carter’s sentiments, noting that PPEC maintains an excellent reputation and is confident the co-op will attract quality candidates.
“Paulding Putnam is a very attractive utility. We have competitive electric rates; a very good mix of residential, commercial, and industrial members; an outstanding statewide and national reputation; and excellent, dedicated employees. We hope to attract some very good national candidates for the CEO position,” commented Chairman McMichael.
Chairman McMichael said the board and Mr. Carter have been working on a succession plan since the fall of 2021 when Mr. Carter informed the Board of his intention to retire early in 2023. The board immediately began working on a transition timeline. For background, a typical executive search takes between 4 and 6 months to complete.
The PPEC Board selected a search firm at its April 21, 2022, meeting. The firm conducting the search will be the National Consulting Group, a division of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).
It is the board’s intention to have the new CEO in place by the 4th quarter of 2022.
Those with questions about the transition can call PPEC at 800-686-2357. More details will be announced as the process continues.
Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative is proud to serve more than 12,900 members in Paulding, Putnam, Defiance, Van Wert, and Allen counties in Ohio, and Adams and Allen counties in Indiana. Since 1935, our not-for-profit model has allowed us to provide affordable, reliable, and safe power to rural areas with pride.