The Antwerp, Payne, Paulding County Community Improvement Corporation has been meeting regularly to discuss the property at the 24/49 interchange.
It is with much excitement to announce that an agreement has been reached with the NAI Harmon Group to begin marketing and developing the 83 acres on the northeast side of the interchange. Plans include residential dwelling with the potential for multi-family homes, villas and senior housing. Preliminary plans also include light commercial development and retail opportunities toward the south end of the property where there exists potential for US24 road frontage.
CIC are beginning this project with much anticipation of what has been a dream for many Paulding County residents for years and the group feels the proposed development being heavy on residential property will be advantageous to the county as well as maintaining friendly relationships with the neighboring homes, school and businesses that surround the development.
Pictured above are members of the CIC, breaking ground on the first street to be developed coming off of SR 49 inside the village of Antwerp.