“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!” – Matt
The famous H. Souder & Sons General Store on Main Street in downtown Grabill, Indiana, will be the primary distributor of the book. Your purchase of the book will help send funds to advance overseas missionary work. Why not pick up a copy of the book while you shop for some other small-town inspired products at the general store. And then during a slow, humdrum, or overwhelming point in your day, read a mishap and smile and laugh along with me – or at me!
Laugh along with me – or at me!

When growing up, my older brother always had a shelf full of books, while I had my shelves filled with things that I had found while out in the woods or in the fields. Yes, I was the kid who’d often check out anything but books when going to the library. It is therefore with great irony (especially to my English teachers through school) that I am releasing the Matt’s Mishaps book with lots of help from my wife Joy. The book is a compilation of around fifty mishap stories that I experienced (and my family survived) during my first twenty years in living overseas. The book is not written with bookworms in mind, but rather for people who like to hear a simple, light-hearted, humorous story being told. The not-for-profit book project received sponsorship from many of your favorite local businesses whose ads appear throughout the book.
For more information about the book project, or to order a book if a drive to Grabill, Indiana is too far, please feel free to contact me. mattsmishaps@gmail.com or Matt’s Mishaps, PO BOX 114, Grabill, IN 46741