Woodlan High School
KAYLIN SNYDER was named 2022 Valedictorian of Woodlan High School. Her parents are Aaron and Kelly Snyder. Her GPA is 4.356.
After graduation, Kaylin, plans to attend Purdue Fort Wayne to pursue a degree in Elementary Education. “I’ve had the
opportunity to intern with many brilliant elementary teachers, including my mom, and I got to watch them educate and inspire children everyday. I would love to do the same, and hopefully make a difference in many young lives.” Stated Snyder.
During high school Kaylin participated in Volleyball – 4 years, Softball – 1year, and National Honors Society – 2 years. She has earned Indiana Rising Star – 2020, Indiana All-Star Nominee-2022, Academic All-State-2021, and Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship. Outside of school Snyder enjoys hanging out with friends and family, playing volleyball, going out to eat, watching Netflix with my mom, and I love being outside in the summer.
When commenting about her high school experience, Snyder said, “For the most part, I’ve really enjoyed my high school experience. I have learned so much over the past four years while also building amazing friendships. I have learned that in order to build these friendships, it’s very important for kids to get involved in school, whether that’s through a sport, club, or whatever.”

ASHTON WIDENHOEFER was named 2022 Salutatorian of Woodlan High School. Her parents are Jared and Michelle Widenhoefer. She has a 4.3 GPA.
After graduation, Widenhoefer plans to attend the University of Toledo to pursue an Undergraduate – Biology Graduate – PA School (Physician Assistant). She commented on this choice of study by saying “I enjoy studying science and biology. I also love interacting with and caring for people and this career field will allow me to combine both into my daily life.”
During high school Widenhoefer participated in 4 years Varsity Volleyball, 2 years Basketball, National Honors Society, Athletic Leadership Council, Unified Basketball, Class Officer, Yearbook Committee, Prom Committee, Parkview Hospital Intern, 3 years club volleyball, Work- Magnolia and Moss Boutique and Raise-Up Daycare. She earned the following awards/recognitions: Rising Stars of Indiana, Second Team All-conference – volleyball, Academic All-State -volleyball, Academic All-State honorable mention – basketball, Academic All-Conference – basketball, and Warrior Award – volleyball.
Outside of school Ashton enjoys spending time with her family at the lake, playing volleyball, and staying active.
“High school is a unique experience you only get to have once. Be prepared for your future, but don’t forget to enjoy the moment. Work hard in school and be involved in extracurriculars as much as you can. Remember the way others treat you is not a reflection of your character, it’s a reflection of theirs. High school is what you make of it, so make it an experience you can look back on in the future and smile at,” stated Widenhoefer.

Heritage High School
OWEN VAN HORN was named 2022 valediction of Heritage High School. His GPA is 4.342. Owen’s parents are Kurt and Kelly Van Horn.
After graduation Van Horn plans to attend the University of Notre Dame to major in Physics.
“I chose Physics because it is exciting to understand the mathematics that make the universe function,” stated Van Horn.
During high school, Owen participated in FFA for 4 years, Student Council, National Honors Society, Band. He earned recognition in the following areas: scholarship from the Ohio Rural Co-op, 21st Century Scholars, and the Monroeville Legion Scholarship. He enjoys reading, Science, and playing the saxophone. Outside of school, Rohrbach enjoys reading, golfing, hiking/camping, spending a lot of time doing church activities and singing in the choir.
When asked about his insights he glean from his high school experience, Van Horn stated, “My high school experience has been marked by unprecedented change but it has allowed us to become more well-rounded.”

WIL ROHRBACH was named 2022 salutatorian of Heritage High School His GPA is 4.316. Wil’s parents are Doane & Vilma Rohrbach.
After graduation, Rohrbach plans to attend Purdue at West Lafayette to pursue a degree in Biochemistry with hopes of continuing on to medical school. “I really enjoy science and chemistry and I hope it gives me insight into the medical field and prepare me for a future in medicine,” stated Rohrbach.
During high school Will participated in Soccer, Golf, FFA, Student Council, National Honors Society, Church Activities, and Girls Basketball Manager. He earned a scholarship from Purdue for being an emerging leader.
When looking at the high school experience, Wil had this to say, “High school for me has been fun and went very fast. I enjoyed my time here and would tell my younger self to not procrastinate so much. It is good to get involved with activities because it allows you to make more friends and makes the time go so quickly.”

Leo High School
LAUREN BAILEY was named 2022 valedictorian of Leo High School. Her parents are David and Michelle Bailey.
Her GPA was 4.412. After graduation, Lauren plans to attend the University of Delaware majoring in Neuroscience. “I have always been interested in the intricacies of the human brain, and I look forward to using my degree in medical school,” stated Bailey.
During high school Lauren was involved in Student Council, National Honor Society, Varsity Soccer, Academic Super bowl, and Leo/Grabill Little League concessions. She earned the Rising Stars of Indiana, Academic All-State (2020-21), and Student of the Month (diligence, respect). Outside of school, she enjoys reading, painting, doing puzzles, and playing with my dogs.
Lauren’s insight to the high school experience was the following, “I am grateful for this experience as it has taught me how to navigate complex relationships with my peers and teachers. I have also begun learning a proper work-life balance.”

RENEE BEAUBIEN was named 2022 Salutatorian of Leo High School. Her parents are Eric and Rebecca Beaubien. Beaubien’s GPA is 4.406.
After graduation, Renee plans to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point to pursue a Bachelor of Science, Majoring in Economics and Minoring in Spanish. She chose this field of study because economics and the study of how and why consumers and the marketplace function like it does has always fascinated her. She has taken 5 years of Spanish and wanted to continue learning it.
During high school Renee participated in Student Council, Cross Country, Basketball, Track & Field, NHS, Yearbook Committee, and was Cashier at Shigs in Pit. She has earned the following recognitions and awards: Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award, Hoosier Girls State delegate, Academic All- State – Cross Country, Basketball, Track, Scholastic Art & Writing Honorable Mention, and Indiana Rising Star Award. Outside of school, Renee enjoys reading, baking, running, and journaling.
“I’ve learned to be grateful for every opportunity that I get, whether in sports or academics, because it can be taken so quickly – I Iearned that through covid. Building meaningful relationships with my peers has taught me a lot and helped me grow as a person,” Beaubien commented.

New Haven High School
KYLIE ROWLAND was named 2022 Valedictorian of New Haven High School. Her parents are James and Kristi Rowland and she has a 4.294 GPA.
After graduation, Rowland plans to attend Trine University to major in Biology – Pre Physicians Assistant program. She stated that her dream job is to work as a PA specializing in Pediatric medicine.
During high school Rowland participated in Volleyball, Cheer, Tennis, Student Council, and National Honor Society. She earned the following recognitions and/or awards: Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen award, Rising Star of Indiana, Academic All-State, Social Studies Department award, Science Department award, Student of the month, Honor Roll and Scholarship from Trine for outstanding academic achievement. Outside of school, Kylie loves to read and travel.
“I worked hard and I’m proud of my achievements but I did learn not to sweat the small stuff, which has been beneficial in my life in and outside of school,” Rowland stated about her insights into her high school experience.

JACKSON KAISER was named 2022 Salutatorian of New Haven High School. His parents are Darla Kaiser and Jerry Kaiser. His GPA is 4.258.
After graduation, Kaiser plans to attend Purdue Fort Wayne to pursue a degree in Chemical or Biomedical Engineering because he finds this field interesting.
During high school Kaiser participated in the Bowling Club, and he received the Science award, was a member of the National Honor Society, Honor Roll, and did a Student Internship. Outside of school Kaiser enjoyed Video games, history and science.
“School is only as hard as you make it,” remarked Kaiser about his high school experience.