The Black Swamp Cruiser Club will again host the Memorial Ride for Les Weidenhamer and Todd Switzer, a poker run and motorcycle tour of Paulding County. The annual ride will begin and end at the John Paulding Historical Society Museum.
The public is invited on Saturday, June 4, for a fun-filled trip though the countryside of Paulding County and ride through little places and historic landmarks that you may not know about. Learn some new things about local history and end the afternoon with a 50/50 raffle and prizes for the top three poker hands.
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m., with kickstands up at 11 a.m. The museum is located at 600 Fairground Drive in Paulding, across from the fairgrounds. The Black Swamp Cruisers are donating all proceeds to the museum.
Everyone is welcome to experience the thrill of the bikes leaving at the start. The sounds of the engines and the sight of dozens of gleaming machines on the road will give chills to spectators.
Contact Jay or Kathy Denny at 419-786-0767 or 419-786-0768 for more information about the event.
The museum is open to the public that day until 3 p.m. Admission and parking are free. For those who have never visited the museum, this is a great opportunity to learn about the organization and see some artifacts and exhibits in the collection, housed in three buildings.