May 20, a resident reported to the police department that there was a water main brake at 322 E. Canal. Officer contacted the village administrator.
May 20, Antwerp Police Department was notified of a loud explosion. The caller reported a large tree fell and snapped a wire and that power was out. The officer responded, spotted an electric wire down on Maple Dr. A village employee, along with AEP were contacted.
May 20, Antwerp Police Department received a report of an alarm at a business on Buffalo St. Officer went to the location and found everything okay.
May 20, a resident of Daggett St. reported he was walking along Daggett St. and a dog came out bit him in the stomach area. The owner was contacted and a report prepared.
May 21, an officer located an assortment of tools located in the 500 block of N. Main St.
May 21, a report of an alarm at a downtown business came in. Officer responded and found that an employee set it off on accident.
May 23, an individual from North Garden Apartments was arrested on a warrant.
May 23, an officer was requested to assist the Ohio State Highway Patrol with a stop at Canal and Erie Streets.
May 25, a resident of the village reported that his neighbor does not have a driver’s license and he sees him driving all the time.
May 26, an individual came to the department and retrieved belongings that they identified as theirs that was in the department’s possession.
May 26, it was reported that an officer was needed at a residence on E. River St. The caller reported there was a female in her 20’s that possibly overdosed. Antwerp EMS was contacted. The individual was taken to the hospital. Suspected drugs were located at the residence. A report was prepared and referred to the county prosecutor.
May 27, a resident of Woodcox St reported that there was a vehicle parked along the street with an individual playing loud music. Officer responded, located the vehicle, spoke to the individual and the music was turned down.
May 27, Antwerp Police Department was asked to serve an eviction notice on E. River St. The was notice was served to tenant.
May 27, a call was received in reference to individuals that had gotten into a fight the night before at North Garden Apartments. The case was investigated and referred to the county prosecutor.
May 28, a resident of Erie St. stopped an officer that was patrolling and explained that his neighbor had yelled at him.
May 28, a resident of Erie St. reported that his neighbor had yelled at his juvenile daughter while she was outside playing.
May 28, a vehicle was stopped in the 500 block of S. Erie St. The driver was cited for driving under suspension and expired plates.
May 28, an individual called and said she was driving on SR 111 going to the hospital, and her and her boyfriend began arguing and he grabbed the wheel causing her to almost crash. The caller was referred to Paulding County Sheriff.
May 28, a resident of Rd. 192 reported a suspicious vehicle sitting in the church parking lot. The caller was referred to Paulding County Sheriff.
May 29, Antwerp EMS requested assistance at a location in the village. Officer went and assisted.
May 30 Antwerp Police Department received a report of an individual at North Garden Apartments that has a blue truck was driving through town and did not have a driver’s license.
May 30, officers assisted with Memorial Day parade and ceremony.
May 31, a resident of the county reported that an individual from Antwerp was just at her house yelling and screaming and tore up her driveway. The caller was referred to Paulding County Sheriff.
May 31, a resident requested a golf cart inspection. The inspection was performed.
June 1, Antwerp Police Department was requested to do a welfare check on an individual living on Daggett St. The caller reported the individual had not been seen in a few days. Officer responded and found the person okay.
If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419-258-2627. They are always ready to serve the residents of the Village of Antwerp!