The Antwerp Local School Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, June 30, 2022.
Kristine Stuart presented the financial report for the last month and the entire school year:
Income: $491,311.88
Interest: $3,748.27
Expenses: $1,026,548.32
96% of the monies had been received and 79.87% had been expended by the end of May. Revised revenue and appropriations fiscal year 2022. June 30 cash balance $7.2 million revised upward from the previous projections of $6.9 million of balance on hand.
Board President Sara Schuette nominated Dr. Martin Miller for the award, Jennings Ohio Outstanding Superintendent Award. The award winners will be announced next month.
Bob Herber brought up House Bill 99 that the governor has overridden that designated gun handlers can be in school for protection of the students. HB687 will provide funding for the school. Another bill allows substitute teachers to educate without full credentials for the next two years as there are lack of people in the education system. Dennis Recker said Vantage needs help. They are also renovating the facilities now. A new superintendent was hired – Ben Winans. The round about should be finished at 224 and 127 by the time school starts.

Mr. Travis Lichty stated that the school is down on staffing. He is working on that now. It’s not too far off though. The student handbook is nearing completion and needs to be updated for the next book. There are some clarifications and there will be 7 periods throughout the day, eliminating some of the study halls. He also said some of the sports qualifications will change – ie. if someone would fail in spring, they would not be able to play sports in the fall even if they earn their credits in summer school. Hair color and some other things are being examined.
Mrs. Tracey Stokes stated that she is making a plan for positive behavior expectations sheet for the students. The handbook for elementary had already been approved.
Dr. Miller stated that Ms. Runk resigned to take a position at another school. Ms. George also submitted her resignation. That position does not need to be filled as that replacement had been made earlier. In July, there are a few things that need finished, waiting on supply chain issues, and will be completed. Asphalt work will be done. Carpet replacement will continue. A new concrete sidewalk to the field house will be completed soon. The Range building will need to get done by 2024, but there needs to be decisions made, but waiting on prices to come down.
Harold Gotke said the technology for the new Innovation Center is all ready — installed and operating. There will be a digital sign installed in the facility. E-rate approval took place right before the school for a $112,000 project with new wireless on the entire campus. This is new switches and routers to help increase bandwidth.

Dr. Miller continued that the school board needs to approve a CT waiver for younger ages. The testing results came back and the school did much better than state results. The school safety threat assessment that will need approved for the new plans with an executive session meeting taking place for handling discussion.
August 23 at 4:00 p.m. is when the ribbon cutting is scheduled at the school for the new Center. The Open House for the new Center is from 5:00-7:00 p.m.