On Saturday, July 2, 2022, in New Haven, Indiana, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative Lineman Andy Hermiller drove a bucket truck through the New Haven Summer Fest Parade while employees walked alongside and passed out candy.
It was an exciting way to kick off the 2022 summer parade season for all involved, including the families and children of participating employees. PPEC has several other local parades in their lineup this year, making it very clear just how much they care for their community.
Upcoming parades include:
• Friday, July 15 – John Paulding Summer Blast Parade (starts at 6 pm)
• Saturday, Aug. 27 – New Haven Emergency First Responders Event Parade and activity booth afterward (parade in morning, activities start afterward)
• Monday, Sept. 5 – Oakwood Labor Day Parade (starts 11 am)
• Sunday, Sept. 11 – Pioneer Days Kalida Parade (starts 1:30 pm)
As a cooperative, PPEC’s goal is to give back to members, as it is a not-for-profit organization built by the community and for the community. Its members are its owners, and when PPEC empowers the community, it raises quality of life for those they serve.
One of PPEC’s Cooperative Principles is “Concern for Community,” which means that cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies supported by the membership. In other words — as stated by their motto — “What’s good for the community is good for the cooperative.”
“As a not-for-profit cooperative, giving back to the communities we serve is part of our DNA,” said PPEC Marketing and Communications Manager Samantha Kuhn. “Our employees enjoy giving their time because they know how much it means in a small town. We stand with our local communities and are proud to help out however we can, ranging from event sponsorships to Operation Round Up grants, service projects, and anything in between.”
You can find out exactly what PPEC is up to whenever you like — parades and more — if you follow them on social media for updates on community involvement. You can also subscribe to their monthly email newsletter or visit www.ppec.coop for co-op news.