On June 29th, it was reported that mailboxes at North Garden Apartments had been struck and knocked over by a vehicle.
On June 30th, Antwerp Police Department received a report of an alarm at a business on Buffalo St. The officers went to the business, found it unlocked, secured it and waited for the business owner to arrive.
On June 30th, a suspicious vehicle was reported parked in the alley behind Friend Furniture. The officer responded and determined who the vehicle belonged to.
On July 1st, an individual on River St. was cited for wrongful entrustment.
On July 2nd, officers attempted to serve a warrant on N. Main but unable to locate the individual.
On July 3rd, an officer was requested to settle a civil dispute between a mom and daughter and a vehicle over keys.
On July 8th, Hicksville Police Department requested information in reference to filing charges against an individual that was selling stolen items on Facebook. The items were allegedly stolen from a factory in Hicksville.
On July 8th, it was reported that a gray Dodge was speeding through the Park Avenue Villas.
On July 8th, a resident of Woodcox St. reported an altercation with his neighbor.
On July 8th, a report of open burning was received on W. River St. The officer went and located the individual and explained open burning wasn’t allowed in the village limits.
On July 9th, an individual on W. River St. contacted the police department and asked if the police were flying a drone around his house. He was told that they were not.
On July 9th, Antwerp Police Department was called about suspected elderly abuse in the county. The call was referred to the Paulding County Sheriff.
On July 10th, a suspicious person and vehicle was reported on Main St. The individual and vehicle were located and the individual claimed he was looking for someone in the village.
On July 10th, Antwerp Police Department was contacted in reference to an individual that had fallen and the family needed help lifting them. Officer responded and ultimately contacted the Antwerp EMS.
On July 10th, an officer was requested to be present for a child custody transfer that took place in the Antwerp school parking lot.
On July 10th , residents of West River St. reported what they thought were gun shots. The officer located the individual and determined the gun was being shot outside the village limits.
On July 12th, Antwerp Police Department assisted the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce with the annual children’s bicycle parade.
On July 12th, a wallet was found on S. Erie St. The owner was located and the wallet returned.
If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419-258-2627. They are always ready to serve the residents of the Village of Antwerp!