By: Angel Steiner
Antwerp United Methodist Church (AUMC) members made a historic decision on Sunday, August 28, 2022. Their members voted in favor (73-1) to leave the United Methodist Church denomination. This disaffiliation will be official as of December 31, 2022.
Speaking with Pastor Mike Schneider and AUMC trustee chair, Benny Wyckoff, the first question that they wanted to answer for everyone is why this decision needed to be made. “There have been many things happening in the United Methodist Church and the General Conference over the past several years that was concerning to us,” commented Wyckoff. “We see a similarity with what is happening in our country right now.”
The direction that the United Methodist Church is heading does not align anymore with how the members of the Antwerp United Methodist Church believe they are to be Christ’s witness here on earth.
Many truths of the Holy Scripture are hard pills to swallow in today’s worldview — who Jesus is: God or a good man; the nature of salvation – did Christ really have to die on the cross?; what does the Bible actually say about homosexuality – is it a sin, should it be accepted and celebrated as society and the media is promoting and encouraging?
These deep complex issues have been stewing in the United Methodist Church for over a decade now, and turmoil has been rumbling as some Bishops and more progressive congregations have made decisions that go against the most current Book of Discipline that leaders of the United Methodist Church have affirmed to uphold.
The UMC’s General Conference has not met formally and in person since 2016 — a COVID-19 side effect you could say. This Conference is the place where leaders in the UMC gather to discuss these types of questions concerning doctrinal change as well as set policy for the denomination.
Pastor Mike has been keeping a watchful eye and ear on these troubling changes that are taking place in the denomination for which he has dedicated his life’s work as a Christ follower. He described this split using the scripture reference of Paul and Barnabas’s disagreement about John Mark. The disagreement could not be reconciled, so they both decided to amicably part ways, but still were united in their cause for Christ (Acts 15:36-41). Pastor Mike commented, “May God bless our efforts in His way.”
So, what is next for Antwerp United Methodist Church? There are several things that will need to fall into place before the end of the year. There will be a name change — but to what is yet undecided as the church members and leaders need to review and research what denomination to which they will affiliate.
Time changes all things, the Word of God does not change. Antwerp United Methodist Church made a decision that was difficult in the face of the current climate of our world. But sometimes hard things must be done. There will be further developments of this story as the year comes to a close. Stay tuned and God Bless.