Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker
Throughout our lives, there seems like there is always something we are concerned or worried about. That’s everyday life.
Even as little children we may have not liked a certain playmate. Then if you both got mad at one another, you may have cried or worried about it. At that time it was a big deal to you and it may have hurt your feelings. Moving to a new school or changes in our lives may be scary and you don’t know what to expect.
If you, as a kid, fell and skinned up your knee or broke an arm or a leg, you might think, “I will never get over this.” But it will get better and years later that incident will stay in the past.
One time when I was about 7 or 8 I got so mad at my mom cause she made me share a little bag of chips with my little brother. I was so angry I walked into the door casing and hit my head. It left a fairly good sized cut. So they called the doctor to come to our house.
When he got there he decided I needed a butterfly stitch. That scared me and I asked the doctor. “Will this get better by the time I get married?” The doctor assured me it would.
The older I get, the less I like drama or upsetting situations. Things that worried me years ago, which I thought would never work out. eventually did. They become part of my memories.
One thing I have concluded is that I am going to choose my own battles to fight. Some things are just not worth the time and effort to get upset about.
Feelings get hurt each day, there also may be a conflict at work or perhaps you were speeding and got a ticket. Oh no! Can we afford the ticket? Will I lose my license? But, it works out and 20 years down the road, earlier worries, situations and disappointments will forgotten as time goes on.
As we try and stay calm and fight our chosen battles, if you are like me, you battle aches and pains each day. I would love to have better mobility but I can atleast get around. I can’t run a race but I can slowly climb steps,
Of course we get upset, but trust me, you will get through tough times and what worried you a long time ago does pass.
Now one of my problems is imagination and worrying. I guess I always tend to get negative if things go wrong, and I think I cannot win this battle, but I have to remember “this too shall pass.”
New jobs, our home life, schools, sports, grades and puppy love puts extra drama and decision making more difficult.
It is so difficult to remain positive if devastation or serious illness hits us or our families and friends. Since I hurt my back a few yeas ago, I cried myself to sleep so many nights.
Oh how I missed driving, going out to eat or to a movie. My mobility just wasn’t good enough to get around a mall or sit through a long movie. It seems like every morning when I get up my back or legs or something hurts
I still have some pain but you learn to adjust your ways to be mobile, pray, and if you look around you will see so many others much worse than you are.
As I look back at the many obstacles I have faced in my life, I just keep believing, “this too will pass.”
Do you ever worry and think, this too will pass? Do you recall disappointments in your life and now they seem minor? Let me know and I will give you a Penny for your thoughts.